I'm a passionate personal fitness trainer successful at making workouts fun and rewarding. I provide expertise in instructing clients on proper lifting techniques and educating clients on nutrition and hydration needs. Being a certified personal trainer for over 10 years, I have plenty of experience guiding diverse clients to successfully achieve health and wellness goals. I'm results-oriented and adaptable with passion for designing training and nutrition plans to maximize your performance, improve endurance and increase your overall wellbeing!
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Years of Experience
Satisfied Clients

Training Programs
Weight Management
Strength Training
Nutrition Specialist
Stick Mobility Instructor
Education & Licensing
G.E.L Group Exercise Leader ( MeFitPro )
Certified Stick Mobility Instructor ( MeFitPro )
Certified Level 3 Personal Training by Inspire Fitness Academy ( Reps Registered)
Certified Fitness Supplement Specialist by Global Health & Fitness LLC
Certified Nutrition Coaching, Course by Josh Silverman, London Muscle (LDNM)
-UFC GYM Coach Certification ( Middle East )
First Aid certificate & Valid license ( CPR & AED Certified and Reps Registered
Our Programs
Achieve your fitness goals with personalized guidance and
support at your chosen location.